Individual coaching in Berlin

Your companion for professional and private success!

In a world full of challenges, the right companion can make all the difference. offers you individual coaching in Berlin, which is tailored to your individual Tailored to your needs - personally and professionally, on-site and online.

Pass ma uff!

Berliner Aufforderung

Our focus:

Zuerst komm ick, dann kommt lange jarnüscht!

Berliner Spruch

Your options:

Uff jeden Topp passt ooch'n Deckel.

Berliner Weißheit

Interesting facts:

If you have the opportunity to receive a Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein (AVGS) to if you apply, you can use our services completely free of charge with your AVGS.

Are you wondering if you are eligible for an AVGS? HERE we have some groups of people who can apply for an AVGS. To make sure that you and your Are suitable for an AVGS, after an AVGS you can contact your contact person in a ask the Berlin Jobcenter or the Berlin employment agencies.

Nu aba ran anne Bulletn!

Berliner Aufforderung

Your next step:

Find out about the opportunities and possibilities that our individual coaching offers. To do this, you can browse our website a little! If you want to look directly for a suitable coach for you, the following button makes itself quite good: